The most popular and best option for restoring your missing tooth without a doubt is a dental implant. Dental implants are tiny anchors composed of titanium, a biocompatible metal, that are inserted into the jawbone in the location where your natural root originally stood. 

To ensure that the implant looks like a natural tooth after placement, an implantologist will place a crown there. Your new grin is completed by this cap, which is shaped and colored to match the size, color, and form of your original teeth.

Dental implants cannot be removed out. To allow for regular eating and dental care, they are attached permanently in your mouth. Furthermore, with proper upkeep, dental implants can survive up to 50 years. 

Investing  in dental implants is made much more compelling by their durability.

With current technological advancements, modern implants are the strongest support possible for replacement teeth.



  • Make your smile look better
  • provide a strong foundation for artificial 
  • preserves bone health and stimulates growth
  • Can be placed in the same position of the extracted teeth
  • Feel proud to show off your smile.

  Reasons to consider dental implants near you:


  • Keeps the jawbones strong. Your jawbones stay strong and healthy due to the roots of your natural teeth. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone deteriorates and bone is lost here. In addition to harming your smile, not replacing lost teeth and allowing the gap for a long time can lead to gum disease and further tooth loss.
  • Maintains artificial teeth in place. You won’t have to worry about your dentures being loose or falling out when dental implants are utilized to attach them, allowing you to feel comfortable eating any type of food and giving you the smile you’ve always wanted.
  • Long-lasting. oral implants close to you can last a lifetime with the right maintenance, which includes routine oral hygiene appointments and yearly adjustments. This implies that the return on your investment will be substantial.

Are implants safe and how long will they last?

  • Implants are , risk-free procedure. Like natural teeth, implants will likely endure as long as you take care of them, which is probably accurate.
  • The key determinant of how long your implants will survive is how well you take care of them and if you attend your scheduled maintenance appointments.
  • Your implants will acquire a coating if you don’t take care of them, just like you would with neglected natural teeth. This can result in gum infection, bleeding, inflammation, and general discomfort if left untreated. All of these issues are possible with natural teeth.
  • You should expect your implants to last for many years if you take good care of them and if the bone they are matched to is robust and healthy. 



All-on -4 implants are a complete set of plant-backed dentures that replace all missing teeth in the upper jaw or lower jaw . Your dentist places four dental implants at prescribed angles and installs replacement teeth. The prosthetic is held in place with screws that can only be “unscrewed” by a dentist. Dentures stay in your mouth permanently and look as natural as the surrounding real teeth.


Its all on 4 denture removable ?

All-on-4 dental implants cannot be removed, so no. The dentist uses teeny screws that only they can undo to attach the prosthesis. As opposed to removable ones, all-on-4 are a fixed restoration. It can be taken out by the dentist about once a year for maintenance, examination and expert cleaning.


How Long Dental Implants All on 4 Last?

With proper care, All-on-4 dental implants can last a lifetime. However, the restorations themselves must be replaced as they wear out after heavy use. Similar to traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures must be replaced approximately every 5 to 10 years.


Is dental implant successful ?

The highest success rate of any surgical implant method is provided by dental implants. The success rate is due to the fact that the lightweight titanium posts used in dental implants fuse so easily with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. Once the treatment is done, there is no danger of the body rejecting the post of the dental implants. . The success of treatment is also considerably increased by computerized implant placement and treatment planning.


Average cost of dental implants :

A single tooth implant typically costs between $200 and $1000, depending on the brand , plus an additional $200to $900 for the abutment and crown. The cost may rise if further treatments such bone grafts, extractions,sınus lift are required 


Bone graft 

A dental bone graft is an operation where the lost jawbone is replaced with bone grafting material to encourage regeneration. The graft material is absorbed by the growing native bone. As a result, it develops a completely integrated area of new bone. This dental technique is painless, somewhat predictable, and has a high rate of success.


when to get your dental bone graft : 

One does not have to wait for significant tissue and bone loss to undergo ridge-sparing treatment. You can do this at the same time as or a few weeks after the extraction. The purpose is to protect or strengthen your jawbone in the event of insufficient adhesion of dental implants. For dental implants, your bones must have sufficient width and height, and many people are known to experience bone loss (30% to 60% bone loss in the first year) after tooth extraction.

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