
Failed Dental Implant Pictures

Failed dental implant pictures are available on many dental clinic pages. Implants may not always be performed in implant treatment. In some cases, the jaw and dental bones may not be suitable for this.

Dental implants consist of 2 parts as an artificial tooth root and the restoration that comes on it. When the implant screw, which is usually obtained from pure titanium and its alloys, is placed in the jawbone, your living bone cells fuse by merging with the surface on the implant. this process, called Osseintegration, is completed between 6-12 weeks. Now your dental implant becomes a part of the jawbone.

To understand that the implant is welded to the bone, dentists often examine radiographic images. Resonance frequency analysis devices can be used to measure the primary stability of the implant, torque and percussion tests can be performed.

It is usually not possible for the patient or physician to determine whether an implant that does not give symptoms with the naked eye holds the implant. However; based on some symptoms, it can be assessed that it does not hold. Failed dental implant pictures are taken from many different angles.

Failed Dental Implants Pictures

Failed dental implant pictures are taken in various ways. There are some issues that need to be known about dental implants. Firstly, millions of implants are applied every year in the world, and as with all other treatment procedures, failure can rarely be seen.

  • Problems that may occur after dental implants can be seen immediately after the procedure or may occur years later. Early dental implant failure is observed within the first 3-4 months after the procedure.
  • It is a normal process for you to experience pain and discomfort after surgery, various pain medications can be taken during this process. If your pain has not passed for 5 to 7 days, you may want to talk to your doctor. Under normal conditions, it takes 3 to 6 months for your tissues to heal.
  • Although pain and discomfort are considered normal after surgery, you need to pay attention to some problems that may develop
  • Infection formation may occur during or after surgery. Some of the factors that increase the risk of infection can be listed as autoimmune diseases, smoking, and neglect of oral hygiene.If the implant is not fixed well enough, it can move. This condition can sometimes occur as a result of the immediate placement of teeth on the implant.
  • If the jawbone is not in a position to adequately support the implanted implant, and yet your doctor has completed the implant procedure, there is a fairly high probability that your implant will fail at the initial stage. Without adequate jawbone support, the implant cannot fuse with the jaw.
  • Failed dental implant pictures are also taken in ways that screws are not accepted.If you are allergic to titanium alloy, a type of metal in some dental implants, your body may have an allergic reaction after the procedure.

Symptoms of a Failed Dental Implant

Failed dental implant pictures,an implant that has failed and cannot hold the bone may show one or more of the following symptoms at an early or late stage:

  • It is a common condition that you experience pain that is not very intense after implant surgery. Painkillers prescribed by your doctor can easily control this pain. If you experience unbearable pain and discomfort that occurs long after the procedure and continues in the form of throbbing waves, this may be a sign of an implant that does not hold.
  • Sometimes your doctor may want to make a tooth on it immediately after the implant is placed. In this approach, the implant does not have the time it needs to fuse with the jawbone. Screw; at first, the screw adheres to the jawbone completely mechanically.
  • Excessive pressure on the prosthesis, if your jawbone is not strong enough, can cause the implant to move, causing it to fail. It is possible to detect the micro movements that occur with an X-ray.
  • It is normal to have small swelling for a few days after the surgical procedure. But if this persists or becomes inflamed, it means that something is not going well.
  • Failed dental implant pictures ,If the gums look excessively swollen and red, this is a sign of infection. If the infection is left untreated, it can spread to the rest of your mouth and even to your blood in later cases. Aside from the pain you are experiencing, it is quite difficult to treat an advanced infection.

Why Does Dental Implant Fail?

Failed dental implant pictures, the success of dental implants depends on the area of application, patient-related factors, the dentist’s experience, the surgical technique used and the type of implant. Factors that may cause failure should be eliminated as much as possible by risk assessment performed before treatment. A predictable high success rate in implant treatments can only be targeted at this. Failed dental implant pictures show the reasons for failure.

  • Smoking or alcohol use
  • Insufficient bone presence
  • Faulty implant applications
  • Poor quality bone structure
  • Osteoporosis
  • Teeth grinding and some routine habits
  • Gum diseases
  • Chemotherapy
  • Development of infection
  • Diseases that suppress the metabolic rate and efficiency

Dental Implant Failures

Failed dental implant pictures ,titanium alloys used in dental implants can cause an allergic reaction in some people. In individuals who develop allergies; loss of taste, tingling sensation in the gums and swelling may be observed frequently. In cases where there is insufficient gum and bone tissue to support the screw with implants that are often not placed properly, a gum infection occurs. The bone tissue under the inflamed gum melts over time.

The grooved part of the screw, which should be embedded in the bone, becomes visible from the inside of the mouth. A successful implant; it functions and feels just like your natural teeth. Abnormalities and pain that you experience while eating, talking, or biting decoctions are among the symptoms that occur if the implant does not hold. Failed dental implant pictures are taken from many different directions. Thus, patients see the implant process in a photographic way and how it is seen when it fails.

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