
Flap Surgery

Flap surgery, the hard and soft tissues that form around the teeth and gums can cause you to feel discomfort. The treatment of these types of problems, called gum diseases or periodontal diseases in the medical world, has become possible after the development of today’s medical world. Flap surgery, which is a gum lift operation, is applied to all age groups.

  • Gum diseases, known as a common chronic disease in society, are observed in growing-age individuals in children, adults and the elderly. But since these diseases are mostly painless, it is quite difficult for the patient to notice this. In the following periods, the disease begins to manifest itself more and more.
  • After the flap surgery removal operation performed to eliminate the problems experienced, the patient should pay more attention to oral hygiene. One of the most important factors of success in gum operations is that patients regularly perform oral and dental health care.
  • The most important stage in periodontal treatment is the elimination of the infection and the patient learns to protect oral health by applying gum, tooth and Decongestant cleaning effectively and regularly. Elimination of the infection is possible by cleaning the microbial dental plaque and root surface to which the tartar adheres, which causes the disease, by a doctor and protecting the patient from this condition.

Gum disease is an infectious disease that affects the tissues surrounding and supporting the tooth, not the tooth. Even teeth that have no caries at all can be lost due to this disease. Periodontal diseases are the most common chronic diseases in society that can affect one or many teeth; they can be seen in children, individuals in the age of growth, adults and the elderly. Since it usually follows painlessly, its symptoms are hardly noticed by the patient and in most cases, a late application to the dentist is made.

Why is Flap Surgery Performed?

The most basic purpose of this operation is to destroy or minimize the pockets formed in the gums as much as possible. A fin like incision is opened into the gum tissue to reach the pockets. By removing diseased tissues through this incision, the tooth roots are exposed in order to be able to perform a thorough cleaning.After cleaning the formation of plaque, tartar and similar unwanted layers, the fin closes and the area is sealed. Then the healing process will be started, which will take place quickly.

Periodontal ligaments and bone tissue that have been lost due to inflammation are another purpose that is restored by flap surgery. In order to achieve this goal, different techniques involving advanced technological methods are used, such as bone grafting or chemicals that cause growth.

Flap surgery is a gum treatment used to treat loose teeth. This surgical treatment, which can only be performed in a clinic or dental clinics, is not very common. As the name suggests, this surgical procedure involves cleaning the hidden part of the tooth by opening the gum tissue so that you can reach the roots of the tooth and the bone. It is very effective in getting rid of tartar and food deposits stuck under the gum.  Such disorders begin as a result of children’s failure to attach the necessary importance to oral and dental health during the growth phase. Gum diseases become chronic in children of growing age.

How is Flap Surgery Performed?

Flap surgery, which is mostly performed under general local anesthesia, is also performed by giving the patient a relaxing syrup or antiaxiety medication orally along with local anesthesia in some cases. In addition, it is also possible to have general anesthesia for the flap surgery.After anesthesia, a small incision is opened to separate the gums from the tooth.The gum tissue remaining on the outer side leans back to access the connective tissues, bone tissue and tooth root.

After the completion of the first stage, it comes to clearing the inflamed gum tissue. After the diseased gum tissue is removed and root cleaning is performed, antibiotic treatment is also applied to the area, although it is necessary. If there is damage to the bones, it is necessary to repair the damage using a graft material.After the necessary treatments, the incision is closed and the flap surgery is completed. The removal operation performed by a dentist specialized in his field, the success rate is quite high.

Determined by aesthetic dentistry, gingivitis and tooth loosening are a symptom of the disease, treated with good oral and dental hygiene and deep cleaning. Loose teeth may need to be treated surgically or fixed. If the teeth have moved, there have been gaps between the teeth, or they are now more decurrent outside the mouth, it can also be treated. A successful operation is performed with orthodontics, provided that the disease is treated first. If loose teeth have lost all their bone supports and attachments, the teeth need to be removed. Teeth can be replaced with a dental bridge or dental implant. Applying early treatment to gum diseases positively affects the course of the disease.

After Flap Surgery

  • Apply cold to the wound surface periodically for 20 minutes in the first days after surgery.
  • If discomfort and pain occur, take painkillers in accordance with the instructions for use.
  • Do not spit or rinse your mouth for the first eight hours after flap surgery. Then rinse your mouth gently with water and a little salt.
  • Do not smoke to prevent bleeding and bad wounds.
  • Avoid heavy physical exertion, do not take hot baths for three days after flap surgery. Saunas and swimming are also prohibited.
  • Avoid solid foods and hot drinks.
  • Brush your teeth with a soft bristled brush to avoid damaging your gums, stitches, or periodontal bandages.
  • Rinse your mouth out every day and take the medications recommended by your d

Early diagnosis is very important for the protection of dental diseases and dental health. For this reason, it is recommended to be examined by a dentist at least twice a year.Having enough fluoride in water to prevent tooth decay, brushing your teeth regularly, flossing, avoiding excessively sweet and sugary foods as much as possible, brushing your teeth when these are eaten, going to dental checkups are the main practices. Brushing and regular dental checkups are also important for the prevention of gum disease.

If there are developmental disorders in the teeth, the necessary treatment should be provided by contacting specialized units in special branches of dentistry at an early stage.



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